Information for Operators 

Over the last 20 years, Directional Coiled Tubing Drilling (DCTD), as part of a complete field approach, has transformed the economics and recoverability of regions such as Alaska and Saudi Arabia. Due to constant improvement and development of technology, DCTD is currently one of the most versatile drilling methods available to operators in the right application. It has the potential to considerably increase the production of your wells while saving you significant time and cost.

Coiled Tubing Drilling offers you a means of increasing production on your depleted or declining wells, whilst being able to know exactly what’s happening downhole every second at surface.

Technical & Economic Benefits of DCTD

The benefits of DCTD depend on the particular circumstances and drilling parameters of each well, which should be considered as individual cases when analysing the viability of an intervention. Broadly, these benefits condense down to three primary advantages for your operation:

Ability to drill a well with low environmental footprint in terms of space, noise and well-control. Increased Health and Safety standards due to a lower number of people needed at the wellsite.

Ability to drill faster and to bring the well on to production in a shorter period of time, therefore reducing the cost and payback time. It is also possible with our CTD BHAs to drill continuously while maintaining underbalanced conditions from start to finish reducing the risk of differential sticking and reservoir damage.

Reduced cost per barrel comes from increased drilling speeds which reduce time and increased production which comes from protecting the reservoir from unnecessary overbalance. Easy control of pressures also reduces drilling problems such as lost circulation which can be costly in terms of time and fluids.

Technical & Economic Benefits of DCTD
Applications For CTD


Applications For CTD

Traditionally, CTD was predominantly used for relatively straightforward operations. However the new development of the technology has made it possible to drill larger diameters which also allows for more complex completions or fracking operations. This improvement of the technology has led to the technique being used for more complex and deeper wells, from drilling entire wells to drilling multilaterals to several targets. As a result, fields that were thought to be inaccessible from an economic point of view can now be exploited. Operators are already seeing the benefits of DCTD, as it makes low margin drilling operations a viable proposition.

Re-entry & Thru-Tubing Drilling
Grassroots Drilling
Geothermal Drilling
Carbon Capture& Storage
Hydrogen Drilling & Storage
Mining for Critical Minerals
Unconventional Gas Shales
Coal Bed Methane
Underground Coal Gasification
Underbalanced, Overbalanced & at Balance Situations
Fishbone Profiles
Applications For CTD

What We Offer

We carry out comprehensive, in-house well feasibility modelling using our proprietary ATLAS software to ensure that we can drill your well successfully and plan the operation ahead of time in order to meet your project objectives. Additionally, we have developed a financial model to calculate the ROI of your operation, helping you make an informed decision according to the feasibility of the project from both a technical and financial point of view. At AnTech we provide a complete Directional Coiled Tubing Drilling service using the following components:

Our proprietary CTD BHAs, COLT and POLARIS for hole sizes between 3-5/8” and 8-1/2”
An experienced field team to run the equipment
Surface data acquisition equipment
A mobile workshop for on-site maintenance of the tools
AnTech Integrated Management (AIM), we can source rig and fluid management providers and supply full project management for your project if required
Information for Operators 

Find Out More.

We offer a customised analysis of the suitability of DCTD for your operation, and carry out initial modelling to determine factors specific to your well, including wellpath planning, tubing forces (WOB), hole cleaning and fatigue.

For an initial analysis, we will ask you to provide us with outline information covering the project objective, existing or planned well profiles and other parameters such as temperature, pressure and fluids availability.
Most of the items we need are detailed on our CTD enquiry form or if you prefer, please call us.
