Casing Exit Solutions for CTD

Whipstock Setting BHA

Casing exits are usually most economically  done with a conventional rig before the CTD equipment arrives. However, this is not always possible and for these situations, AnTech provides tools to set the whipstock at the right depth and orientation, and then to monitor the milling operation, all on coil.

It is critical to orient a casing exit accurately to ensure that the pilot hole is pointing in the right direction. Incorrectly oriented exits could lead to a more tortuous well path, extra drilling or in the worst case missing the target completely.

The COLT BHA can be configured to run hydraulically set whipstocks below the tool. Depth can be correlated by GR and CCL and, provided that the well is not completely vertical, gravity toolface can be used to orient the whipstock.

In cases where the well is vertical, we can offer our Acrobat gyro to provide toolface in conditions where the gravity toolface would be insufficiently accurate.

Casing Exit Solutions for CTD

Milling Monitoring Tool

With our 3-1/8" Milling Monitoring Tool (MMT) run on eCoil, we can provide real-time feedback about downhole conditions to the CT Driller and the casing exit specialist.

The MMT gives a suite of measurements including weight-on-bit (WOB), torque-on-bit (TOB), Pressure, Temperature and Vibration.  

These measurements are relayed to surface so that any downhole changes can be picked up instantly. Not only can this information help optimise the current operation, but the data can also be used to improve performance on future jobs by identifying and implementing best practices.
