Drilling Optimisation Services

Real Time Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) and Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) provide the ability to make real-time decisions during operations and to analyse the drilling data post job for quality assurance and End-Of-Well reporting.

Our Drilling Optimisation Service assesses logs taken from previous drilling jobs and advises you on how best to improve drilling performance for future jobs.  The service includes formation-specific drilling optimisations and recommendations on fluid pressure, Weight-On-Bit (WOB) and Torque-On-Bit (TOB) for achieving the best ROP possible.

Rate of Penetration with varying Weight-On-Bit and Torque-On-Bit

Drilling Optimisation Services

Services Offered

We can assess high frequency downhole and surface data to optimise drilling parameters for your project.  From analysing the drilling data we can recommend the optimum drilling parameters required to increase ROP and increase operational efficiency. This data can then be used to develop best drilling practices and to aid well planning. This service is offered on wells drilled by us or by other companies.


  • Increased rate of penetration (ROP)
  • Reduced tool failures
  • Optimised hole cleaning

Post Job Vibration Analysis

We also have the expertise to perform vibration analysis on high frequency drilling data, with or without direct vibration measurement equipment present. A vibration modelling service is also available to aid well planning, find out more here.

For more information or to send us an enquiry, contact us here.
