‍Access bypassed reserves using our COLT BHA System for 3-5/8" to 4-3/4" hole sizes

With over 70% of the world’s production coming from mature fields and with the average recovery factor of oil and gas being 35% and 70% respectively, it is not surprising that operators are looking at creative ways to access bypassed reserves and lengthen the life of their declining wells. Coiled Tubing Drilling provides the technique to directionally target these untapped sweet spots within the reservoir. By re-entering a well, you avoid the large infrastructure costs and lead times associated with grassroots drilling.  

Our COLT system has been designed specifically for re-entry and thru-tubing drilling applications for hole sizes between 3-5/8" and 4-3/4" that can be used with single and multi-phase drilling fluid. The Bottom Hole Assembly is powered electrically on heptacable and is magnetically steered. It also has the unique capability of gyro orientation for casing exits avoiding the need to drill blindly near casing.

COLT is the shortest CTD BHA on the market providing safer and easier deployment and increased Weight-On-Bit for maximum lateral reach. It is designed to withstand the harsh environmental conditions that occur when drilling in underbalanced conditions and is equipped with a complete suite of sensors for instant feedback of downhole drilling conditions. This real-time feedback combined with an electric orienter that rotates continuously, gives precise control when navigating complex reservoirs and allowing build and straight sections to be drilled in the same run. By drilling a straight hole we can drill further with more weight-on-bit.

The COLT family of tools includes the supporting tools required to orient and set whipstocks and then monitor the performance of the milling run for cutting the casing window.


Features & Benefits

World's Shortest CTD BHA

Enables easy deployment above the master valve and sensor positions are close to the bit for more accurate navigation. This has significant safety and operational benefits.

Live Well Deployment

Enables easy deployment above the master valve and sensor positions are close to the bit for more accurate navigation. This has significant safety and operational benefits.

Continuous Orienter Rotation

Continuous CW or CCW rotation of the orienter allows the build and straight section to be drilled in the same run. This feature also prevents sinusoidal well paths from ever being drilled which increases your WOB and consequently your lateral reach. No other BHA on the market has this feature/capability.

Circulation Valve

The Circulation Valve can be used in the drilling BHA or to hydraulically set whipstocks and packers. The circulation valve allows circulation above the motor if open and through the motor if closed. It can be functioned multiple times during a run through an electrical command sent from surface. It ensures good hole cleaning and mitigates stuck pipe risks.

High Speed Data Transmission Via E-Line

Allows real-time feedback of downhole conditions that are essential for efficient drilling with coiled tubing where small, fast changing parameters have a significant effect on drilling performance. The wireline telemetry also means that signals can be transmitted in multi-phase fluid conditions.

Comprehensive Range Of Sensors

Pressure, temperature, WOB, TOB, vibration, gamma ray, inclination, azimuth, tool face, gyro, CCL.

Optional Integrated Orientation Gyro

Helps to exit the casing window without increasing tool length. No other BHA on the market can do this.

Top Level Specification

  Specification       Value
  Outside Diameter        3.125"
  Inside Diameter        0.7" (18.0mm)
  Max' Operating Pressure        10,000 psi (690bar)
  Max' Operating Temperature        320°F (160°C)
  Max' Build Rate *        50°/ 100ft (50°/30m)

* Pass through capability. Build rate capability is dependent on motor/bit combination.

Further Information

For full specifications, you can download the datasheet. If you would like to know more about our COLT system, or if you have a project that you think could benefit from our service, please get in touch.
