Information for CT Rig Companies 

Increase the range of services you can offer to your clients by offering them Directional Coiled Tubing Drilling (DCTD). We will provide all the drilling expertise that you need to be able to plan and execute a drilling job using your existing CT assets. Working in partnership with you, we can offer a winning solution to all stakeholders.

Data Sheet

You Already Have A Lot Of The Expertise Required

The benefits of DCTD depend on the particular circumstances and drilling parameters of each well, which should be considered as individual cases when analysing the viability of an intervention. Broadly, these benefits condense down to three primary advantages for your operation:

You Already Have The Equipment

Long term CTD projects often use dedicated rigs or combine the ability to handle coil and jointed pipe in a hybrid format. But regular CT rigs with a mast, tower or simply a crane deployment can be used effectively.

Who We Look For | AnTech
Information for CT Rig Companies 
Information for CT Rig Companies 
Information for CT Rig Companies 

Your Offering

Like all operators face the challenge of declining production on all their wells. Drilling horizontal laterals from existing vertical wellbores, of which there are many, helps them to extract more oil and gas from existing reservoirs. More production than they may think is possible, if they have only considered regular overbalanced drilling.

Partner with us to offer new service to your clients. We will support your sales force to create a winning offering for all concerned.

AnTech’s Directional CTD BHA

Our Directional CTD BHA’s run on regular 7-conductor wireline inside coil of between 2-3/8in and 2-7/8”. Coil can be ordered from the mill with the wireline pre-installed.

We can provide the necessary conversion kit to terminatethe cable at each end and hook the wireline to our Albacore surface data acquisition system.

Coiled Tubing Drilling vs Conventional Drilling: Don't Compare Apples With Oranges

People sometimes say to us ‘Why drill with coil when I can get a cheap jointed pipe rig to do the same job’. In answering, it’s important to be clear what the ‘same job’ means. If the objective is simply to drill a hole, then a regular rig might be better. But if the objective is to drill a hole, do it efficiently and do it without damaging the reservoir then underbalanced drilling with coil has no equal.

What We Do

  1. AnTech Integrated Management (AIM) Service can provide you with full integrated project management services and be the one point of contact for the operator if required.
  2. Our proprietary and patented CTD BHAs can drill hole sizes between 3-5/8” and 8-1/2”. We also provide the surface equipment to maintain the tools on location and data acquisition systems to run the BHAs.
  3. Feasibility modelling, our proprietary ATLAS software for CTD modelling predicts parameters such as well paths, tubing forces (WOB) and hydraulics (hole cleaning).
  4. Our Products Division can provide you with a complete conversion kit to make your CT unit completely wireline enabled.
  5. We can offer you and your team dedicated CTD training at your facility or at the customer’s location.

What You Do

  1. Provide the rig or CT unit and crew
  2. Provide the e-coil, the wireline can be installed by a Coiled Tubing manufacture before shipping or on location if required. We would require a 7-conductor heptacable and we generally run coil sizes from 2-3/8” to 2-7/8” depending on the well profile.
Information for CT Rig Companies

Partner With Us

If you would like to know more about Coiled Tubing Drilling or if you have a project that you think could benefit from our service, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Step One
Talk to us. We can help you screen opportunities. Not every drilling opportunity is suitable for CTD either because of well geometry, its potential production or geology. Some wells can turn into stars, some will never produce enough extra production to warrant an intervention.
Step Two
Share photos and specifications of your CT unit with us.
Step Three
We will provide you with a detailed pack required to integrate our equipment.
Step Four
Site Visit from one of our engineers to scope out STEP 2 in more detail, for example, where our data acquisition panel will sit within your coil cab.
